
Sunday 24 October 2021

My typing test

 hello today we did the typing test and i got 24mph but my best is 40mph  and the average person is 36mph. 

Thursday 21 October 2021

learning about blogging.1

hello today we learnt how we post our learning online. and how to leave comments on other people who blog as well and to show people what we learn so  people that not learned it they can learn it to. 

Tuesday 19 October 2021

back to school goals

Hello room 2 welcome back to school for term 4. Here are my thoughts for term 4.                              

 1.Reflection Lock down. I didn't like having to wear a face mask everywhere you go in public and never                allowed to play outside. 
 2. How do you feel heading into term 4. im Hoping to finally go back school for term four. 
 3.What do you want to get out of term 4? i want to Learn more about olden day cars and more ancient things.


Wednesday 31 March 2021

fishy on me /challenge


this is me and my friends work post . and i learned that you can draw picture
with shapes